With Warner Brothers releasing the Dukes of Hazzard movie this summer, the old TV show has come into the spotlight again. Just so you know my official position, I loved that show as a kid. I loved it when I got to stay home from school so I could watch the reruns during the day. I thought I was Bo Duke.
I finally got around to watching one of those "Behind the Music" type shows called CMT Inside Fame I had TiVo'd that the Country Music Channel had done on the Dukes of Hazzard. What I didn't understand as a kid was how much the Hollywood critics and elite hated the show, thought it was beneath the industry. In fact the cast members said that if the CBS president hadn't been on an extended vacation in Europe at the time he'd have never put the show on the air. As it turned out by the time he came back, the show was a top five show. The cast members said that they felt that the executives didn't like it because it was a "Southern show." Go figure... the elitist know-it-alls didn't understand "red states" and their values back then and they still don't 25 years later.
The special also touched on the season where Bo and Luke held out to get their due cut of the merchandising and Bo (John Schneider) said that he and Luke (Tom Wopat) went about it the wrong way even though the cast understood and forgave them for holding out:
We were wrong... we did the wrong thing for the right reason. Shame on me. So rarely do you hear someone admit they're wrong that one took me by surprise. But as Dennis says being liberal means never having to say you're sorry.
And who new Roscoe was a serious actor? He started his own movie company under the philosophy that people want shows like the Dukes, like Andy Griffith. People want shows for the whole family "with no body parts flopping out and no four letter words."
And who let Cooter be a Congressman? Apparently Georgia elected him, so who knew.
So the real reason I went into all this is that the Dukes of Hazzard is a metaphor for the Red State/Blue State conflict of our times, and Jessica Simpson is hot and is going to look great in Daisy Duke's shorts.
 (via Say Anyting) |