Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Jack Bauer kicks the crap out of the traiterous chief of staff

And to maintain integrity, we will refer to all characters by their "Nom de BlogRing."

So yeah. Jack kicks the crap out of Sid Blumenthal (President Weasel's Chief of Staff) and threatens to pluck out his eye. I wonder if that is covered in the torture ban? All because MoveOn.org got involved in the script and the nerve gas is to be used to garner oil for the US. Whatever. Jack doesn't want cheap oil, he wants to kill more terrorists.

And Chiggy Killa puts the rookie, Sam Gamgee, in his place. That was sweet... no second breakfast for you hungry, hungry hobbit!

And Kim Bauer makes her triumphant return next week. I would make a comment about how hot she is, but I fear I might anger Jack and I'd rather not lose an eyeball... or anything else...

And now, a moment of zen from the Chuck Norris Jack Bauer Random Fact Generator:

Scientology is Chuck Norris' Jack Bauer's first sucessful get-rich-quick scheme.