Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Body Worlds 2 piece stolen

This is stupid.

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Two women stole a preserved 13-week-old fetus from an acclaimed exhibit at the California Science Center, authorities said Tuesday.

The fetus, its tissues infused with polymers in a process called plastination to prevent decay indefinitely, was part of a traveling display, "Body Worlds 2: The Anatomical Exhibition of Real Human Bodies."

[...]"There's no indication at this time of the motives behind the stealing of the plastinated fetus," [detective] Render said. "There had been no threats."

If you read the whole article it's hard to tell who's dumber, the to women who stole the fetus or the author of the article. If the two women stole this in as a part of some pro-life activism they're the dumb ones because the fetus could not have been aborted because, having seen the specimen, it is whole and unharmed (so to speak). It could only have died during birth, miscarriage, or some accident that would have claimed the mother's life as well.

Or if the author is simply implying that the two women were pro-lifers and since he's written a shell of a story, who's dumber?

And can you picture the "threats" that may accompany this crime?

I want 2 million in unmarked, non-sequential bills or the dead, plastinated fetus... gets... melted.

By the way, if Body Worlds is coming to a town near you, it is definetely worth the trip. Two thumbs way up!

(hat tip to Ryanne for the link)