We're back!
That was one kick ass trip! The fetching Mrs. Wookie and I had a blast. Once I regain some sense of normalcy after 12 hours of flying I'll resume blogging and post some pics as well. Until then, I need some sleep... |
That was one kick ass trip! The fetching Mrs. Wookie and I had a blast. Once I regain some sense of normalcy after 12 hours of flying I'll resume blogging and post some pics as well. Until then, I need some sleep... |
I think I briefly mentioned it in the last post, but in case you missed it, there's been no posting this week because the fetching Mrs. Wookie and I have been enjoying the "Emerald Isle." So hello to all the family and friends, and I'll post a bunch of pictures when I get back. Cheers! |
Usually you let people know why you go on hunger strike in order to get people to sympathize with your cause. And they break down after just three days? I guess it really is hard to find good terrorists these days. |
Again, the wookie family's thoughts and prayers go out to our British allies. But this does not deter our planned vacation. We are leaving Saturday for the British Isles, though we'll mainly be in Ireland; we're determined not to let some lame ass terrorists dictate our lives to us. UPDATE 7:30AM: Just across the wire: "Police lead man away from London's Downing Street." Sounds like they may have someone in custody. I'll post the actual story when it comes across. UPDATE 7:35AM: Actual story a little scarier:
UPDATE 7:48AM: Off the wire, "'London situation under control' - Police Chief" UPDATE 8:21AM: Off the wire, "2 people detained after London blasts - BBC"
UPDATE 9:27AM: Police are already following up on clues.
UPDATE 9:34AM: Off the wire, Another suspect package found at Aldwych. UPDATE 10:57AM: Off the wire, it is beleived one of the bombs was a nail bomb. |
If all Roberts needs to demonstrate to Reid and his fellow Democrats is "freedom, equality, and fairness" than Roberts ought to be a shoe in, but something tells me it won't be wuite that easy. Hugh has been positively giddy (as am I for that matter) for the past hour or so on the radio; that's always a good sign. He describes Roberts as smart as a whip, good natured, and gracious and is nice enough to leave us this link to Roberts' bio. Good job, Dubya. Let's make sure Renquist's replacement is as solid a conservative as well. |
Yes, I bought the book. Yes, I was there to get my copy in the store at midnight. Yes, I didn't do a damn thing this weekend but read the book. When does the next one come out? |
You had to know that we'd get a boatload of intelligence from these "enemy combatants."
And this is one prisoner out of the 500 plus at Gitmo who worked as an al Qaeda operative with Iraqi soldiers, so there's more where that came from. Read the rest of Stephen Hayes article to stock up on info ammo for those anti-war types. |
Unless of course they they say they won't develop nuclear weapons and even sign some treaty promising not to then ten years later detonate a nuke in the middle of the desert. Wow, that's like deja vu all over again.
You don't say...
These men and women serving in the Amred Forces deserve our respect as fo their familes. And as far as wars go, this one has been no where near as bad as past wars as far as our casualties are concerned. In the last media inspired "quagmire," Vietnam we had 47,369 KIA, compared to our "quagmire" in Iraq where we've lost 1,752 to date (and that's from an anti-war site). While every life lost is tragic, it is still a necessity. But things are progressing to a point where we are considering a gradual pullout.
If we want this democracy to work in Iraq, we have to do it right. And pre-set timetables and written-in-stone dates by which we'll have everything fixed are ridiculous. Things are going far better than you think. As always Chrenkoff has the latest in good news from Iraq. |
Since I haven't had a chance to post anything else today, my heartfelt sympathies and prayers to the British. Hopefully this strengthens your resolve to fight the GWOT and I'm sure our country will fight with you against terror until all are brought to justice.
I know Cheney got lots of crap for his "death throes" but despite today's tragedy, perhaps it's not that farfetched. We continue to capture and kill terrorists in Iraq, fewer and fewer of whom are actually Iraqi. Intelligence gained from these captures leads to more arrests internationally. Perhaps al Gaeda is losing their luster among the young Muslim community. More disturbing though is Stratfor's claim that al Qaeda monitors media worldwide. Conservatives have been complaining since the beginning of the war about Democrats anti-military comments bolstering the enemy. Sounds like we're being proved right... again. Unfortunately these aren't the circumstances we wanted to be proven right under UPDATE 2: LGF links to live blogging at Europhobia. It really is like 9/11 all over again. UPDATE 3: Blair vows to stay the course:
Chrenkoff has the 6 dumbest terrorist moments. Here's my favorite:
Check it out. It's definetely worth the read. Not sure if it qualifies as funny or not, but what about the one where the terrorists tried to use a dog as an IED? |
This is what happens when you look at things from a no nonsense business point of view instead of a bleeding heart point of view. Will it work? What's the return on investment?
As I've said before, I want to help these destitute people as much as anyone else (which is why charity organizations work so well on a people level) but as far as our country aiding their country, it's been us basically flushing money down the toilet. We continue to throw money at them but the situation doesn't get better. In fact you could argue that it's gotten worse. If we're going to give more aid to these countries, there must be some system in place to ensure the money goes to the country's infrastructure (schools, hospitals, roads, santitation, etc.) not some warlord or dictator's palace. |
News from Iraq that doesn't involve anyone dying.
Democracy is by nature a slow process, but the Iraqis continue to make great strides despite ongoing terrorist threats. |
For anyone out there who needs a role model it doesn't get much better than Lance Armstrong
He's going for 7 in a row. He is unbelievable. Does anyone doubt he'll get it? UPDATE: Similar link here. |
In the wake of Live 8 over the weekend, we need to take a look at what we already have commited to Africa.
All that plus the $40 billion in loans we waived last month. I really want to help the African people, but at what cost. Where do we draw the line? At some point we'll have done all we can in terms of aid, then what? Are any of these nations self-sufficient enough to take care of themselves? Will any of this aid help get them to that point or will most of it be misused, abused, stolen, or laundered? |
We didn't do it. I swear. While it's not surprising, that countries are trying to "lure" exiles is not good. Condi, can we have someone get on top of that. Chop chop. Thanks. |
And liberals think we're such prudes when we freak out when Janet Jackson's boob falls out, or when there are sexually graphic sitcoms (everyone remember the Seinfeld masturbation contest? Who's the "master or their domain?"), or when parents have to start explaining Will & Grace to their 6 year old. The FCC sets the standards and when those standards aren't met the station gets fined or the public reacts by boycotting sponsors. Parents have a tough enough time battling pop culture as it is, and our children should remain protected and innocent as long as possible. Anyone think that this might be why our teen pregnancy rates have been skyrocketing over the last few decades? |
What is it with Democrats and timetables? Everything has to be measured and precise to be a valid option. So what is it they want here? We need to act more unilaterally. Damn, talk about a 180 in philosophy. While it's not necessarily a hypocritical position, it does illustrate how their approach is still the wrong approach for any given situation. Having nukes makes them a big player they need to be approached like the rest of the big boys and diplomacy is a big part of that. We can't force them to take whatever actions we want (see Cold War). And if Kim Jong Il thinks UN sanctions are that bad maybe we should have him meet with Saddam who was able to turn a nice profit after a decade or so of UN sanctions.
Not only are those other four countries key to the negotiations, this is good for our political relations with them as well. If we can form a united front against N. Korea that result in some successful concessions on their part, we can hopefully translate that into their increased involvement in the GWOT (at least from Russia, Japan, and South Korea). I fail to see how a "unilateral" meeting at this point would be preferred over continued "multilateral" diplomatic attempts.
Unless we get some major concessions (like the give us all their nukes and we get to detonate their production facilities) there is no way we should give them any money. And we certainly shouldn't hurt their feelings anymore, so everyone, please, stop calling North Koreans "poo-poo heads" and refrain from using an exaggerated stereotypical Asian accent to mock them ("I'm ron-ry... so ron-ry..." or "Why you busteeng my bawrs Hans Brix?"). It's bad for the megalomaniac's self-esteem. |
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July, that you kept our servicemen and women in your thoughts and prayers and that your illegal home fireworks displays did not result in emergency room visits or result in your home being stormed by SWAT in a anti-firework crackdown. |
Damn 3,000 counts against him. How is that not a life sentence? He's damn lucky he's in Germany because we'd execute him and a heart beat. Just execute him. |