Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Nancy Pelosi comes out against Bush

That should have been obvious, but the way she does it is really pretty stupid.

(Washington) Murtha, a Vietnam combat veteran and former Marine, voted in 2002 to give the president the authority to go to war. He has been a strong supporter of the military and an influential voice on military matters during his three-decade House career — and his position switch set off a firestorm on Capitol Hill.

At the time, Pelosi emphasized that Murtha spoke only for himself, and not for her or the Democratic caucus.

She changed course after President Bush gave a speech on Iraq on Wednesday.

"I'm endorsing what Mr. Murtha is saying, which is that the status quo is not working and that we need to have a plan that makes us safer and our military stronger and makes Iraq more stable," she said. "I believe that what he has said has great wisdom."

Is she taking a page from John "Flip-Flopping" Kerry here? She was against Murtha's immediate withdrawal, but now that Dubya has given more details for his strategy, she's for Murtha's plan. Huh?

What makes Murtha's plan safer? How does his plan make our military stronger? How does his plan make Iraq more stable? What changed about his plan between when it was voted down and Dubya's speech today that made her change her mind?

Why doesn't this woman make any sense?