Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Big Bang theory takes big hit

This could be very interesting. I'd really like to see how the hardcore, anti-creationist scientists and leftists try to discredit this:

SANTA ANA, Calif., April 5 /PRNewswire/ -- A major scientific discovery made by a small team of researchers has revealed patterns in nearby galaxies that present an alternative to the big bang theory and the continually expanding universe that we have been living with for the past 80 years. A team comprising a mathematician, an amateur astronomer and a thermodynamicist -- all graduates of Georgia Institute of Technology -- has found patterns in the distribution of galaxies which indicate an entirely different structure to the universe. The team includes brothers Richard and David Moser who have decades of experience in the field. Now MEC Publishing is releasing the information used to construct this new model which uses all of the data used to construct the current big bang model and adds this new observation, patterns that can be observed by anyone, resulting in an entirely new and unexpected structure. Instead of the standard big bang model, which is based on the simplest interpretation of the red shift, this model constructs a whole new universe, one with definite limits, about 2,000 times smaller than the old continually expanding one. This universe is a closed, reflective space about 12 million light-years across one dimension. We are about 1.5 million light-years to the closest wall. The galaxy Andromeda (M31) is the first reflection of our own Milky Way Galaxy as it looked several million years ago. There is much more to be learned about the limits and boundaries. The observable evidence and the data is described at The Examined Universe. (This link has six pages of data, at the end is another link to eleven pages in a book that has the same data and a somewhat different viewpoint.) The implications of this discovery are enormous, opening up a whole new field of research using computer technology to analyze the mountains of data we have already accumulated to discover more about the boundaries of our new universe.
They also discuss religion's importance and its role in concert with science.

Wait, what's that I hear? Is that Darwin turning in his grave?

UPDATE: You'll also notice that this was done by an "amateur astronomer" and they based their theories on patterns that can be observed by anyone. That will really chap the hide of those silly professional science type people.