Dubya's on the rebound
In my opinion, polls reflect relatively little based on who's asking who the questions, how the question is phrased, and what answer options are given. But still they're fun to run up the flagpole every once and a while to see who's looking...
Now I thought these were particularly interesting because of the Iraqi election. Peoples' opinions improved on Bush, the GWOT, and Iraq simply because of the peaceful election. It's amazing how a little good news will improve people's attitudes... Got that MSM? Dubya out hammering his positions and the latest good news from Iraq is helping, but it's difficult for the MSM to spin a peaceful election in Iraq. But they can spin the hell out of a speech or misconstrue information like the US government spying on its citizens UPDATE: Froggy Ruminations has an excellent post on the NSA responsibility regarding wiretaps. |