Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Cindy Sheehan arrested before the SOTU

I know, I know... I shouldn't be happy at someone else's misery... though if you think about it, she knew what she was doing... and is probably happy for the publicity to her cause... so I guess it's alright then...


WASHINGTON - Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier in Iraq who reinvigorated the anti-war movement, was arrested and removed from the House gallery Tuesday night just before President Bush's State of the Union address, a police spokeswoman said.

Sheehan, who was invited to attend the speech by Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., was charged with demonstrating in the Capitol building, said Capitol Police Sgt. Kimberly Schneider. The charge was later changed to unlawful conduct, Schneider said. Both charges are misdemeanors.

Sheehan was taken in handcuffs from the Capitol to police headquarters a few blocks away. Her case was processed as Bush spoke.

You don't think this will hurt her possible chances at running for the Senate, do you?

I sure hope not, cause that will be fun.