Thursday, February 09, 2006

Iraqi citizens are a big help to coalition forces

As more evidence that the insurgents grasp on the majority of Iraqis is dwindling, the US military releases numbers showing tips from Iraqi citizens has increased dramatically.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 9, 2006 – Iraqi citizens are tired of insurgents and their violent tactics and are turning against them, providing tips to coalition and Iraqi security forces and, in some cases, taking action themselves, a U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad said today.

In January 2006, Iraqi civilians provided more than 1,300 tips to coalition and Iraqi security forces, Army Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, Multinational Force Iraq spokesman said at a news briefing. That is a huge improvement from the 47 tips received in January 2005, Lynch said.

Of all the valid calls received by the Ministry of Interior's national tips hotline, 98 percent provided actionable intelligence, Lynch said. Most calls are about terrorist activity, he said, but calls also come in about kidnapping, murder and other criminal activity.

"This is employing the people of Iraq, who are tired of the insurgency, to help us and the Iraqi security forces fight the insurgents," Lynch said.

Iraqis in certain areas of the country are taking their own action against insurgents, Lynch said. Many times these citizens are urged by their local tribal leaders to rid the area of the insurgent influence, he explained. In Fallujah and Ramadi, citizens have established checkpoints to keep insurgents out and six al Qaeda leaders have been killed in the area since September, he said.

1300+ tips in January alone, compared to 47 in January of '05. And 98% of them contain valid intel. That is remarkable.

Who said the Iraqis don't want us there?

And on a humanitarian note, Afghanistan starts its first center for battered women and children. What are the chances NOW will mention the story...