Speaking of people who've totally lost it, Al Gore keeps on blabbing
I think it might be quite a contest to see who's gone nuttier, Saddam, Gore, or Sheehan. Who can out crazy the other two? Here's Al Gore's two cents.
Well this ought to be interesting. What, praytell, did the evil Bushies do to the poor discriminated against Arabs, Al?
Well I must have missed the internment camps that we had set up for all those "indiscriminantly rounded up" Arabs. They certainly weren't sent to our normal prisons because they simply didn't have room for all these rounded up Arabs. Maybe we had secret international prisons for them in Mexico and Canada. Or perhaps we just flew them around the world, renditions style. And how exactly is being more discriminate with our visas playing into al Qaeda's hands? I would think trying to keep al Qaeda operatives out of the US is good, but that's just me. Apparently Al thinks Americans disagree.
Hang on a minute... Wasn't one of the Michael Moore, sooper sekret conspiracies that the Saudis were sekrtly allowed to leave the country right after 9/11? That there was some sekret pact between Dubya an the Saudi royal family? So Al, you want us to have some extra special arrangement with the Saudis now? You'd better sit down with Moore and make sure you get your stories straight.
So enforcing the laws of our nation and the policies and terms set forth by our immigration department is what qualifies as "terrible abuses." Who'd have thunk it? I think Gore might be leading the crazy race against Saddam after these outbusrts... |