Thursday, April 06, 2006

South Park wins Peabody Award

Good job Matt and Trey! I love the show. Keep it coming.

The folks handing out television's most esteemed prize heralded the boundary-pushing 'toon's' brain trust, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, for continuing to poke fun of all "that is self-important and hypocritical in the American life, regardless of race, creed, color or celebrity status." ('Tis true, as Tom Cruise, the Virgin Mary and the dearly departed Chef can attest.)

"We see it as a bold show that deals with issues of censorship and social and cultural topics," Peabody Awards director Horace Newcomb told E! Online. "My line on South Park is that it properly offends everybody by design and by doing so it reminds us all that it's probably a good idea to be tolerant. It's also a very inventive and clever show."

That's right... South Park promotes tolerance. So whether your Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or Scientologist you can expect your fair share of public mockery and shaming. Or maybe more than your fair share... depending on the frequency of your stupidity...