Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hamas government minister stopped from entering Gaza with $20 million in cash

Gee... I wonder where that came from... And it's the second Hamas government official terrorist associate in the past two days.

Haaretz - A Hamas government minister returned to the Gaza Strip on Thursday carrying $2 million in his luggage.

It was the second straight day that a minister has hand-delivered large amounts of money to the financially strapped government. Officials said Information Minister Yousef Rizka turned over the money to the Finance Ministry.

Fearing U.S. anti-terrorism sanctions, international banks have refused to allow Hamas to transfer money electronically to the Palestinian areas. In recent days, Hamas officials have taken matters into their own hands, physically carrying donations in their luggage.

Apparently the Hamas government official terrorist associate had 12 bags at the crossing and was refusing to allow them to be opened. Needless to say the splodeydope associate left the border without his luggage.