Thursday, August 24, 2006

Project 2,996

With the fifth anniversary of September 11th approaching, an effort to get the blogosphere together for a memorial has been brewing. Project 2,996 is trying to get 2,996 bloggers to post on September 11th something about a single victim that died that day. That way each individual gets a post dedicated to them and them alone. It's a great idea, and My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy led me to it.

When I signed up last night they were still about 400 bloggers short of 2,996. So if you'd like to dedicate a post to the memory of a 9/11 victim head here to sign up. Don't worry about not knowing someone who died that day, you'll be given a name at random to memorialize.

If you don't have a blog, just spend a little time that day jumping between blog posts. Everyone who died that day was someones son or daughter, father or mother, brother, sister or friend.

Take some time to pay your repsects by remembering them and their familes.