Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Adventures of a first-time father to be... part 9

The arrival of little baby Wookie quickly approaches, and since the fetching Mrs. Wookie's due date is only a week and a half away, we figured it's probably about time to get the little tyke's room ready.

So adios guest room. Hello explosion of lavender and yellow!

The big idea was taking a mocha brown colored room and doing a 2 tone paint job: lavender and pale yellow. Then we thought, let's get real creative and add vertical stripes and a chair rail. Ooh and add a deep purple pinstripe on top of that too. That's a heel of a good idea and a hell of a lot of work.

Here's how it went. Since I haven't posted in a while this is going to be a long one...

After putting on a white primer coat with the help of my parents 3 weeks ago, we put on the base coats of lavender and pale yellow the following weekend (again thanks to the soon to be grandparents for the help with the paint job).

Not too bad... a level and some painter's tape and it was easy. The fun part was the vertical stripes. We were adding 12 inch wide lavender stripes to the pale yellow top portion, and the toughest part there was taping it off. Can you say "tape in a straight line"? If the laser level was off it was off around the whole room and the room was starting to look like it was spinning... Of course that could have been the paint fumes...

Moment of truth... painting on the stipes. We checked and rechecked those stripes. Seemed like everytime we looked at them they were crooked...

So off comes the tape and the room's starting to shape up. About time too since this was all from this past weekend, only 2 weeks til the due date.

I'm sorry, but that's just about the best damn paint job ever. And then we add the chair rail, move in the furniture and voila!! Cutest friggin' baby's room EVER. It may have been a lot of work, but I can't walk by the room without stopping and checking it out. Plus I've shown the pictures to just about anybody who'll listen to me ramble about the baby room that's straight out of a pottery barn catalogue, so I figured let's have my 3 dedicated readers have a look too...

So now the main debate is the deep purple pinstripe. Put it up or leave it as is. For that pinstripe we're not painting it on. My mom came up with the great idea of using ribbon instead of paint for the pinstripe. It's a lot less work... no taping, no leveling, no painting. Just sticking the ribbon to the wall. So let's get some opinions on the choices below...

So let's hear it. Pinstripe or no pinstripe...

What do you think?

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