-Make sure to yell very simple requests. -Use at least 5 exclamation points in every email!!!! -Ask "Who are you working for!?" to as many people as possible. -Throw out a "Dammit" during the day, just for the hell of it. -Drink each time you hear a co-worker say "Dammit". -Make a mistake at work? Blame Nina Myers. -Request everything be sent to your PDA (works best if you don't have one). -Accuse co-workers and/or children of being moles. -Make sure to let your co-workers catch you looking at Google Earth maps of their houses. When they ask why, tell them that you've tracked a terrorist cell to that location.
Samples Co-worker: How was your weekend? You: damnit Bob, we don't have time for simple questions. Co-worker: I just asked about your weekend. You: Dammit. Who are you working for? Co-worker: Never mind, forget I asked.
Co-worker: Hey man. Did you already get breakfast? You: I've killed 3 people today and no I've yet to eat breakfast. Dammit! Co-worker: Is that a threat? You: That's not a threat, that's a fact.
Boss: Hey, where are the reports I asked for? (pull out stapler, move towards boss) You: I think the question you should be asking is how are you going to read the reports after I staple your eyelids to your desk!