Thursday, September 29, 2005
John Roberts gets the best job in the world
He can never be fired and gets to wear a robe to work. How cush is that! Ok, ok. Second best job behind Hugh Hefner's
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Senate Judiciary approves Roberts
The first step is taken...
Most think it won't be a big battle in the Senate, and that the Democrats are saving there ammo for O'Connor's replacement. Listening to soundbites from the hearings courtesy of Hugh, I have to agree most (*cough* Leahy *cough*) seem to be posturing themselves to say, hey we approved the last guy but we feel this one's just way out of the mainstream (as if they've ever even seen the mainstream). |
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Tips for dealing with a hurricane
Being that I live in Southern California and have not dealt with anything remotely resembling real weather (rain, snow, sleet, etc...) I have no idea what to do in the case of a strong breeze let alone a hurricane. To be quite honest most Southern Californians were really oohing and aahing at a laser/lightning show last night (talk about a redneck moment... sitting on the porch, drinking beer, watching lightning as if that were as entertaining as those cool bluelight bug zappers). And since I have no experience with hurricanes, I went looking for a guide... a hurricanes for dummies, if you will, just in case Rita skips right across Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona and heads straight for Southern California. Thanks to IMAO for providing such a service:
North Korea lies again...
... but this time reveal their lie much, much quicker.
Hugh was talking with Claudia Rosette yesterday who said don't celebrate quite yet, North Korea and their leader PingPong have done this to us before. Man what a difference a day makes. The article continues and makes the point that it could be a bluff, a negotiating ploy to get what they want. Either way I don't see how we can trust them at their word unless we get our officials (or Team America) to sit there and verify every little thing they do with their nuclear reactors. |
House hunting
As you may recall the fetching Mrs. Wookie and I recently moved out of our glorious apartment and in with the in-laws. I can hear the collective shudder from men across SoCal but they're actually very reasonable Democrats and I get along fine... Oh you meant living with the in-laws. Oh that's fine too, and the fetching Mrs. Wookie and I are extremely grateful to them for housing us and our pooch. (And a quick thanks to my parents who've been housing me while I finish up with my work transfer from LA to Riverside county. I can't say enough about being 27 and living at home again. I love that anytime anyone asks my mom "How's John?" she says he's living at home again and she gets this real disappointed "Oh." in response). But that may soon be ending as the fetching Mrs. Wookie and I are putting in an offer on a swell pad that's 3 bed & 2.5 bath. Let's hope the current owner likes $20K less than what she's asking for. If she does it'll be just like those commercials... "I'm in debt up to my eyeballs [especially with California's bloated home prices]. Somebody help me." |
Shepherd Smith makes a classic booboo
This was too funny. Shepherd Smith has a little somethin-somethin on his mind other than JLo's latest album. Talk about a tongue twister. |
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Al-Qaeda declares war on fellow Muslims now
I guess they figured since they had already killed a bunch of Muslims who'd rather be free, happy, and part of a capitalistic and democratic society, that they may as well get it over with and just declare war on all Shiites.
And shortly afterward they posted a new video saying just in case you forgot we've previously delcared war on the USA, George Bush, Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Britain, Japan, Spain, Italy, Poland, Australia, all the islands in the Carribean (for the devil's liquor they call Rum and bikinis), Cindy Sheehan, Major League Baseball players who use steriods, Victoria's Secret (Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks specifically), the Fox News Channel, and puppies (because they're just too damn cute). They just wanted to make sure they were covering all their bases. |
Palestinians need to step up
C'mon Palestine, shock me. I don't think you'll even come close to making it worth Israel moving out of Gaza. Prove me wrong.
I'm 99.9% sure that giving up Gaza won't solve a damn thing. True, Israel deserves credit for giving away the farm to try to buy peace, but I don't think it will be enough. They'll keep wanting more. And it's not like they can give up being Jewish because that's what it's going to take for Hamas to give this up. |
Poll numbers confirm it. Americans don't like the French
Duh. Though it's nice to get some confirmation on what was merely speculation and personal bias before.
Not a bad list. I personally move the French down a little further maybe, but not bad. They didn't throw them any really interesting ones other than Pakistan though. Iraq? Iran? Afghanistan? Syria? Saudi Arabia? Where do you think the national consensus on those? |
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Chrenkoff signs off
It is sad to see such a fabulous blogger signing off. His "Good News" updates from the GWOT are essential reading for anyone who wants to see whats happening behind the MSM's everyday report on the number of car bombs and casualties. Make sure you check out his latest Good News from Iraq before he goes. Good luck, sir. It's been our privilege reading you. |
New Orleans Pets 1, Humans 0
Watch this CNN clip and tell me this isn't a colossal waste of resources. And here's the story to go with it.
First thing first, thank God this wasn't paid for by FEMA or any other government agency for that matter. A private donation is slightly easier to stomach, but not by much. $50K to charter the flight for 80 some animals; that's about $625 of fuel, airline space, and valuable time for animals. Now I don't want to see stupid comments about how I hate animals. I have a dog; I love my dog, but as Dennis Prager always says if both my dog's life and a strangers were both in danger and I could only rescue one, I'd rescue the stranger (although if it were a swimming situation I'd rescue both because I'm a damn good swimmer). My question with this is where's PETA? You'd think they'd be all over this sort of thing. Well a quick check of they're website has this gem about their fundraiser to raise funds for media awareness:
...and an open letter to Dubya to "Urge President Bush to Ensure That Animals Are Included in Future Disaster Response Plans:"
"Our government threw them out the window." I actually laughed out loud at that line. I'm picturing Police, Fire Fighters, and Coast Gaurds running through the house looking for that little old lady who has 20 cats throwing them out the windows one by one. (I don't know why this video comes to mind...) Oh the horror! Oh the humaity... no the animality!! But back to the main point, the people deserve the money here. Unfortunately we have to prioritize and put the animals way down the list. Life's not fiar. That's just the way it is. |
Monday, September 12, 2005
Russians trying to be better allies by helping Iran build their nuclear reactor
Does anyone still wonder why they didn't want us to take the GWOT to Iraq? UN Oil-for-Food kickbacks, too close to Iran...
I like that last paragraph. Let me translate: "No, no. Don't build it youself. Let us do it for you. As long as you cross you heart, hope to die, stick a needle in your eye, never ever, use it to make nuclear weapons. Mkay?" And are we really that dumb to think that because Iran signed a piece of paper saying that all spent nuclear fuel will be returned to Russia that they'll actually do it? That whole "you signed something that said you'd never make nuclear weapons" worked real well with North Korea, didn't it. |
Sunday, September 11, 2005
9-11-05... continued
Thanks to Sheila Variations for the following:
9-11-05... We remember
![]() How have things changed since 9-11? We sang God Bless America in Mass today. I can't remember ever doing that, even on the Fourth of July... One of the most emotionally solemn days of my life was visiting a big hole in the ground formerly known as the World Trade Center in May of 2003. Solidarity is holding those iron bars, peering into that pit, and trying to hold back tears with a dozen other people I've never seen before... Seeing fellow Americans, four years later, still proudly displaying the flag, whether it's at home, at work, or a simple bumpersticker on their car... God Bless America. |
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Just another Conservative's night in a Liberal state
OK so I was at this bar by myself.... No, really I was supposed to meet some coworkers there, but they never showed. Apparently my imaginary secretary got the dates screwed up again. She's so fired. Anyway... I was at this bar in Woodland Hills by myslef and I figured, no sense in letting a perfectly good English Pub go to waste, so I sat at the bar and had a beer. I chatted with a couple people, even had the local drunk come in, sit down next to me, try to hold a conversation with me (when I had to repeat what I do for a living 5 times I figured maybe he had already been hitting the bottle a bit), just to get his butt kicked out by the cute little bartender. So I'm sitting watching the baseball game when a nice talkative guy sits down. He makes small talk, says something about the waitress being way out of his league, I laugh, and we chat. Two sentences in to the conversation he has to let slip that he's a Democrat. Fine. I've had two beers, I just wanted a peaceful evening, I wasn't about to ruin his or my buzz. So he let's a few more comments slip... you know... war for oil, Dubya's a moron... nothing of any substance. I am really trying not to let fly on this guy. Then he pulls a Kanye West moment of brilliance and says something to the effect of the New Orleans blacks are current day slaves. At this point I really had to just turn to him and say, "What?" He says, "Yeah, slaves." ....sigh.... "I didn't see any shackles on them." "Oh, they live in shacks though." "I said shackles... nevermind. So let me get this straight... the modern day slave gets paid via welfare by the government to have illegitimate children, is more likely to be overweight do to their easy access to cheap, high calorie foods, and despite being impoverished in the wealthiest nation on earth they still own at least one TV and live better than most of the poor in third world nation. And on top of that we allow them to arm themselves so they can shoot at the rescue helicopters that are trying to save people in need? These are slaves?" "Yeah! So you've been to the South? You've seen the racism?" "Nope" "Republicans want to keep minorities in their underprivileged, working class positions. That's whay we got slaves in the first place... because they were black. We need to help them get on their feet. Republicans want to take those programs away." "OK first... small history lesson. Ever heard of indentured servants? They were Irish. They were considrered by many at the time subhuman. And newsflash... They're not black. Hispanics... many die trying to reach the US to work. They're not black. And they can avail themselves of every opportunity in this country. My wife is part Hispanic. She grew up with no money. She started working when she was 15. She put herself through college with scholarships, grants, and loans... money available to everyone. Now at 27 makes more than her father twice her age. She had no help from anyone, not her parents. No one. All by herself." "Is she black?" "No" "Is she black?" "No" "Is she black?" "Dude, no!" "Exactly." This from a Jewish white guy. Did anyone else follow that conversation? |
Man a lot changes when you haven't posted anything for a week or so...
It's incredible. The Gulf Coast gets obliterated, New Orleans is still underwater, Kanye West let's fly with his brilliant opinion that Dubya hates black people (Michelle Malkin has the goods), and then Chief Justice Renquist dies. So before I go waxing on about how hard moving sucks (and man does it suck), I hope everyone has donated to the Red Cross, Feed the Children, Soldier's Angels or something to to help the victims of hurricane Katrina. I mean Sri Lanka sent money, so that we can't afford it excuse won't fly. So now begins the tirade... I haven't posted in a while because, one, work has been absolutely crazy, and two, the fetching Mrs. Wookie and I are in the process of moving. We're moving out into the inland empire near her family. For those familiar with the area it used o be the "909" but has recently upgraded to the "951." Now it started off well enough; we were proactive got a good headstart packing up the barware, plates, linens and stuff, but then we petered out a bit. By the time midnight rolled around on Thursday and then most of the time on Saturday and Sunday we were just throwing crap in boxes, slapping on some tape, and tossing it in the back of my truck. We stopped labelling everything as well, so those boxes will be like Christmas presents when we open them. So Thursday rolls around. We rented the big U-Haul and wanted to get a move on for the long weekend to beat traffic and what not. I tried to enlist anybody I could to help with the move and ended up getting two, my cousin Larry and our neighbor Wes helped load and on the other end brother-in-law Doug helped unload. And those guys were godsends. I'd still be moving crap if they hadn't come by. And even with them I still needed two more trips with my truck and the fetching Mrs. Wookie's minivan. That was 1,000 miles driven for those of you keeping score at home. On top of all the moving there's cleaning the apartment, and we had the bright idea when we moved in or painting a few walls, so we had to repaint to the generic "apartment off-white." It was a great idea at the time, and we really enjoyed the red wall in the bedroom, but repainting it was a bummer. Those Home Depot color matching guys are awesome. So I'm tired, sore, a little cranky and we're living with the In-laws for the time being while we look to BUY A HOUSE, actually own property, a piece of land. Dear God... It'll be beautiful. So watch out for sporadic blogging as work allows and as I'll be competing for computer time with family. |