In memory of Ilan Halimi
![]() Go light a candle for the French-Moroccan Jew tortured and murdered by a group of young Muslims. |
![]() Go light a candle for the French-Moroccan Jew tortured and murdered by a group of young Muslims. |
Is it Christmas? Hannukah? Thanksgiving? Fourth of July? Superbowl? The Return of Kim Bauer day?![]() ![]() So when you see those sweethearts in their cute little green uniforms marching up your walkway to your front door, open it, smile, and just hand over your wallet saying "Give me what you've got and then I'll order a dozen more." When you see their little card table in front of the grocery store and they ask "Would you like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?" say "Absolutely! I don't need those fruits, veggies, and low-fat sources of protein! I need all the Shortbread boxes you have!" Who cares that they're like 100 calories a cookie! Ignore the calories! You can't put a price on this much happiness. |
Blogs 4 Bauer had been promising her return for weeks, only to leave us utterly depressed when the episode finishes and she's still MIA. But next week, the commercials confirmed her actual presence at CTU! Thank God! And this week, CTU saves president Weasel's pasty buns by Section 112-ing the fat, nasty hobbitsses and running with the attack intel that saves the day. For agent Pierce's heroics, he should be promoted to Jack's back up partner, should something happen to Cola. Then Jack and Pierce could be two shots of 152. But they're both reds, so perhaps a whiskey is in order. Maybe that new 184 proof whiskey that's in the works. And the old robocop guy tries to kill Jack with a clipboard. Please. You can't kill Jack with a clipboard. He really ought to know better. And now your moments of Now we wait for Kim.... UPDATE: Aaahh! I forgot the kill counter... ![]() How many people died last episode? I picked 6 and I think I'm close... And everyone make sure you check out The Carnival of Bauer at Blogs4Bauer for the latest round up 24 news and gossip from across the web! ![]() |
... because court doesn't appear to be going well for him at the moment.
See this is why my mom always told me never put it in writing... it will eventually link you to that genocide you committed back in the day.
Not good Saddam... you should have listened to your mother... Or perhaps you just shouldn't have been a megalomaniac, psychopathic tyrant. One or the other. |
I don't get why people here keep complaining about taxes and keep voting for Democrats for state legislature. Don't like taxes? Stop. Voting. Democrat. It's really that simple.
A mass exodus. Yeah it's that bad.
That's why we kicked Davis out of office and put in Arnold. Sure he's not a conservative Republican, but half a sandwich is better then no sandwich when you're getting the crap taxed out of you. So keep that in mind California... Keep California beautiful... vote Republican. |
The wackos are coming! The wackos are coming! It looks like the pacifists are thinking of a (possibly violent) overthrow of the Bush administration on March 15th. Sure, it could be some lunatic who managed to break out of the asylum and figured out how to turn on his computer, but you never know.
Needless to say these guys are a few tacos short of the #16 combo plate at Jose's Taco Shop. In fact I think they're missing the beans and rice to. And no ice in the soda... Anywho, Captain Quarters lists their steering committee roster. The groups on this list are apparently endorsing the overthrow of our elected government and includes: * CODEPINKSo I'm just saying be prepared. If a half dozen, stoned out of their minds, peace-loving hippies come down your street on March 15th have the shotgun ready. And maybe some Cheetos for the ones' with the munchies. |
Is a new political party on the rise? I think this could catch on... (via Army Lawyer)
Strength through superior firepower would be a great campaign platform. |
And so far it's really done nothing to deter their nuclear ambitions.
Uncooperative is the least of our problems here, but hopefully these guys will come to a consensus of action sometime this decade. Of course by then Iran will be ready to nuke the Security Council, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that yet...
Ah sanctions. Didn't do much good on Iraq, but who knows. Maybe Iran's psychopathic president is saner than Saddam.
They've hindered inspectors now for three years. So what timetable does that put sanctions at? 2010? Let's get a move on with this guys. We' like some sort of action before they've finished making their first nuclear weapon, mkay? |
In the story Hugh had been covering last week along with the Dubai ports deal, was the Reiner scandal for misusing tax-payer money (the link is to Bill Bradley's blog who has been covering Meathead's misuse of money masterfully). Hugh was saying Arnold should have long since asked for Reiner's resignation since the term for his position had expired. Well better late than never.
See ya Meathead! |
And it was carried out by Iraqi forces.
Good work Iraqis. |
![]() I know a lot of people weren't too interested in the Olympics, but I've got to say I enjoyed them. The speed skating and the hissy fit that Shani Davis threw, our snowboard cross chick who yards away from winning gold, did a trick, wiped out and ended up with Silver, and Austrian olympians' dorms raided for doping. All sorts of drama going on. The athlete of ours who I was most impressed by was Apollo Anton Ohno. Every time he was interviewed, whether he'd won gold or wiped out and not even finished, he was the most gracious winner or loser. He was well spoken and genuinely just happy to be there representing our country. A good guy you could really root for. Congrats to Apollo and all of our Olympians. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bloomberg had this tidbit buried at the end of their article on the DP World ports deal.
In an ideal world, I would love to have American companies manage our ports, but in a global, capitalist economy, you can't legislate against this sort of thing. The British company had been managing our ports just fine. Heck a Chinese company manages some of our ports and people could care less. But UAE, an ally of ours as opposed to China, and people start protesting. But I think the real reason behind Clinton's proposed legislation is... Halliburton!! They've got Hillary in their pocket!! Where's the outrage?! |
... as part of an effort to assuage the fears of US citizens and lawmakers.
It's really a very generous offer on their part, showing a ton of goodwill and I think will end up being good for their business and for future relations between our countries. I hope the president takes some time to more fully explain his thought process behind this deal and that Congress takes the time to thoroughly dissect the deal and confirm the reasons the president is so confident in the security of the deal. Oh, and that they not use this time to pointlessly grandstand and posture themselves for future votes. I know that's a lot to ask Senators Clinton and Levin, but the president didn't break any laws here, so please shut up. UPDATE: Robert Kaplan was on Hugh's show yesterday and, along with Mark Steyn and Austin Bay, made a huge dent in Hugh's reluctance over the DP World ports deal. Here's a Kaplan quote from the interview.
Indeed. |
I'd really like to exonerate myself here and blame my fascination with American Idol this season on the fetching Mrs. Wookie, or perhaps the other CoD, but I can't. Usually I just like watching the first few episodes to see the stupid and outrageous things people do when initially trying out. But this season, I actually started to like some of the people on the show. That was my downfall. I think everyone liked the Wyoming cowboy from a city population 4, who'd never sung for people before, never been on a plane before, and never seen the ocean before. Unfortunately he got voted off a round or two ago. ![]() And the girls this year, most of them must have supermodel gigs for their day jobs. Especially Becky. Too bad her hotness didn't translate into making it to the next round. Of course, it came out the other day that she and her twin sister posed for Maxim a while back and even did an episode of Fear Factor. Still, she is superhot. Too bad she's gone. If they vote off Taylor, I will boycott the show. Keep that in mind America or feel the wrath of my puny little blog! |
Holy crap! You want to see high oil prices? Prices after Katrina would be nothing compared to what would have happened if the terrorists had succeeded in this attack.
Saudi Arabia has been a very helpful ally in the GWOT (as I mentioned yesterday in my post on the UAE ports deal) but they've also got some activities that fuel the extremist mindset. Weren't something like 15 of the 9/11 terrorists of Saudi origin? Don't they fund extremist Wahabi schools that preach hatred against the West? Should we not do business with them? To what extent? Would they demand we close our military bases in the country? Are we a safer country for doing business with them based on the recipricol benefits we get in pursuing terrorists in the region? Now what about UAE? UPDATE @ 4:30PM: Al Qaeda claims responsibility for the attack.
I'm not sure how much national play this has gotten, but it's been a big story here in SoCal. Local radio hosts John and Ken discuss the latest on the case regularly and the parents of Deputy March have become vocal advocates in the fight to control our borders, so hopefully we can get Mexico to extradite this thug quickly.
This particular case became the symbol of our relationship with Mexico for border control advocates. Hopefully this signals the beginning of a more cooperative Mexican government, otherwise I think it time we start withholding aid to them, until they begin to help secure the border. |
More commentary is coming out from officials and experts trying to minimize the public disgust at the deal.
As we discussed yesterday, the real challenge with securing our ports is inspecting what gets on the cargo ships. While inspecting more cargo containers once they arrive would be obviously beneficial, the potential plots for port attacks more often include ramming the vessel at full speed into the docks and detonating whatever device they have onboard. That to me seems far more likely than taking a chance on an inspection of a container with a bomb in it to be smuggled elsewhere.
Again stuff we covered yesterday. David Brooks in the NYTimes takes it a step further in his op-ed piece, Kicking Arabs in the Teeth (membership required), arguing that fledgling democracies in the area deserve the chance to trusted. He also points out the negative spin Muslim media this will give this thanks to Senators on CSPAN. They'll try to make it Mohammed cartoons II. There are good arguments here on both sides, and the president should lay everything out on the table for why this decision will stand even if it means his veto. Congress and the public deserve to know. But I'm leaning towards allowing the sale to go through, unless something remarkable is revealed about DB World or improprieties in the sale itself (ie personal friends making money because of the sale). If everything is on the level, then I think the sale ought to go forward. (Damn, I can't believe I'm agreeing with Jimmy Carter) UPDATE @ 10:06AM: Another article that draws similar conclusions to David Brooks is this one from the AP/Seattle Times.
I certainly don't think anti-Arab sentiment has anything to do with opposition to the sale, but that certainly won't stop the perception. UPDATE 2 @10:56: BlackFive also comes out in favor of the deal.
Operating While Arab. I like that. Hope you don't mind if I borrow that one once and a while Jimbo. UPDATE 3 @11:45AM: Counterterrorism Blog has contributors on both sides of the issue. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross is for the deal...
Douglas Farah against...
Both make good points, but I think Gartenstein-Ross more fully tackles UAE's rocky past, citing the positive things they've done for us like turning over the man who planned the USS Cole bombing and al Qaeda naval attack expert Abdul Rahim al-Nashiri. I'm still for the deal; we're taking the good with the bad on most relations with our Middle East allies: Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Sudan, etc. UAE no worse, and perhaps better than those three. Plus strategic position a stone's throw from Iran and that they allow us to use naval and air bases there. It's tough to thumb our nose at that. UPDATE 4 @ 3:07PM: Jason Coleman has the ultimate Dubai sales video. Check it out, it's nuts. |
[Scroll down for updates] And, surprisingly, the WSJ comes out in favor of the deal that would allow a United Arab Emirates company control of six major US ports. In fact they hope the president stands firm on his vow to veto any legislation brought forth stopping the sale. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, the piece does make some valid points.
The piece also points out the bidding war for the British company began last autumn, the company accepted Dubai's offer last month (apparently the British company P&O, like Dick Cheney, doesn't have David Gregory's cell phone on speed dial either), and this only became a headline story when a Florida firm that is a partner with P&O in Miami, Continental Stevedoring and Terminals Inc. filed a suit to block the purpose which prompted the mayor of Miami to write a letter to the president. So it's not necessarily Bush who's acting on behalf of rich buddies helping them make another quick buck. Granted there's no reason an American company can't be put in charge of our own ports; Lord knows I'd much rather see that happen, but our people will still control security and our unions will still work the docks. The UAE has been something of an ally for us in the GWOT, so it's not like we just handed the ports to Iran. However Jimmy Carter is still in favor of the deal the last time we checked, so there's a big vote against the deal. But a broken clock is still right twice a day, even if it's wrong the other 99% of the time. More food for thought. Hopefully similarly insightful pieces continue to come forward. UPDATE @ 2:38PM: Found the WSJ article via Ace who makes some persuasive arguements contrary to the WSJ. He correctly points out that this could make it easier for an Arab with views sympathetic to al Qaeda to collect intel on the ports to find points of weakness for smuggling in who knows what. Sure they won't be security, but they'll have access to inner workings that a basic observer wouldn't. UPDATE 2 @ 4:20PM: Hugh is interviewing Rear Admiral Craig Bone who is the director of port security who said he sees no change in security threat due to the change in management. He also makes the point just because they've got some access to the port, doesn't mean they've got unlimited access to everything. Security access is not granted to management firms. And while personnel screening for the Dubai company is done by the Dubai company alone, the process by which they do their security checks is submitted to port security agencies, so we'd supposedly know who's working for them and their background. The admiral goes on to say the global cooperation is what's really required solve the problem completely. We obviously can't control what's loaded onto a ship overseas. We also may not be able to control the crew of a ship in particular, so recon work at our ports is possible in a variety of ways, not just via the management company should it happen to be located in an area known for terrorist activity. I can see the point better safe than sorry. I still don't think there's a smoking gun for either side here yet. UPDATE 3 @ 4:44PM: In From the Cold also appears to be cautiously opptomistic, if I may be so bold, as he reads through the NYSun.
I think I've been on the same page since this story became the huge issue everyone's talking about. While it sounds bad that the ports would be managed by UAE, it isn't necessarily so. Let Congress have a look, and they'll presumably what the White House saw, nothing to keep the deal from moving forward. He's got two other posts on the ports here and here. |
And she brings some heavy-hitting firepower with her.
![]() 6,000 sailors in the strike group as well. Peace through strength indeed. |
The oh-so-vocal Save Tookie crowd (Jesse Jackson, Jamie Fox, Snoop Dog, et al) has been strangely silent lately. First they didn't care about the execution of white boy Clarence Ray Allen last month, and they've been silent thus far over Michael Morales. Of course they wouldn't really have needed to do anything since the courts have gone apeshit on this one. Or maybe because these last two aren't black. Just throwin' that our there...
Apparently Dr. Kevorkian was unavailable, and no other doctors were willing to kill someone. Go figure. That's kinda why we had the mechanized, 3 drug cocktail to begin with... less personal guilt by whoever pushed the button. But apparently some think that's somehow cruel and unusual. First they wanted the anesthesiologists to monitor and actively participate in the execution if necessary which they refused, then they decided to go looking for someone to just get it over with and overdose him on sedatives. Are there any heroin junkies in the crowd tonight?
And why would we want to do that?
OK people, a little common sense here. 3 drugs are used. First a powerful sedative, second a paralytic, lastly one that induces a heart attack. So knock him out so he doesn't feel anything, paralyze him so he doesn't spasm and hurt himself, then basically stop his heart. One of their arguments is what if the first drugs doens't sedate him? Then give him another shot. Or what if the paralytic keeps him from signaling if he's in pain if sedative doesn't work? Then let's not give him the paralytic, so that maybe he twitches hard enough to fall right off the table. C'mon people use your heads. This isn't brain surgery. Tie him down and inject him otherwise let's just get back to hanging people and the electric chair. |
What can more can you say about Jack? He decks his partner, Cola (as in Bicardi & Cola), goes after the lead against presidential orders and without backup, gets into a 8 on 2 shootout, and gets in a pissing contest with a hobbit/CTU director, turning all of CTU against Samwise Gamgee in the process. But Elisha Cuthbert has yet to make her appearance this season. The suspense for Kim's return is near unbearable, but I somehow manage to struggle through it. ... And the kill counter continues to climb... ![]() And now our moment of Zen from the It is common knowledge that there are three sides to the force: The Light Side, The Dark Side, andIndeed. |
This seems like it would be a no brainer.
Israel said it would urge other nations to halt aid as well. That apprently was good enough for the US as we demanded $50 million in aid returned. The Arab League met yesterday in Algiers and discussed how to help make up for the PA's lost revenue, but did not come up with many volunteers.
That's very interesting. Are we putting on the exact amount of pressure necessary to keep Hamas from getting much of anything to replace the aid they'd lose if we and the EU cease aid? Seems that that would be a huge success for diplomacy. |
Throw the book at 'em!
Glad we caught them, but does anyone else think they're kinda dumb for trying to attack troops in Iraq 1000s of miles away? Not that I want to help them out, but why not go after domestic targets? Well that's probably why they got caught... they weren't the brightest bulbs on the tree. |
When I first heard this last week, my initial reaction was "that's dumb." But then I thought a little more about it, and since really neither security, nor any of our personnel on the docks would change I thought maybe it just sounds worse than it really is. Then Jimmy Carter came out and said it was a good idea. That sealed it for me; we should definitely take the business of running the ports elsewhere.
Way to go Frist. Dennis Prager was discussing this development with Michael Ledeen this morning and they seemed to agree that the Bush administration was going to rethink this and take the ports away from Dubai. They also made the comment about how unique it was that someone could be so wrong on just about every issue that faces our nation. So when Carter said it was a good idea, they knew that it had to be a horrible idea to be stopped immediately. UPDATE: Man those guys at Cox & Forkum are good... ![]() |
... as leading economic indicators continue to rise.
Also playing a role were unexpectedly high retail sales, which could in part be contributed ot an unseasonably mild January nationwide. So Mother Nature, after nearly crippling the economy with Katrine and the other hurricanes, decided to give us a break. Or maybe it's just global warming again. |
The WaPo published his editorial on Sunday, but I'm in "catch-up" mode after a relaxing weekend, so here it is...
It seems to me that Europe has been strong-armed by extremist Muslims. That people in a free society fear Islamic reaction above all things does not bode well for the society or for an Islam where the moderate Muslims remain silent in condemning death threats against artists and writers who depict Islam in a light that the extremists don't approve of. They don't have to approve of what the artist created, or the writer wrote, or the cartoonist drew. They do need to come to terms with people having the freedom to express their ideas. There are many peaceful ways Muslims can voice their displeasure with an artist, a gallery, a newspaper, or a television station. Death threats and rioting certainly don't fall into that category. Flemming Rose wrote a fabulous piece. Read the whole thing. UPDATE: Sorry. Forgot to put in my links. |
... and it is NOT pretty. Setting the stage he discusses a meeting held by Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (not the wacko president Ahmadinejad) for his top advisers that reportedly took place back in December. In the meeting they discussed a deadline of April 8 because "it has been promised that by 8 April, we will be in a position to show the entire world that 'we are members of the club.'" We can all guess at the meaning of these words or rely on intelligence that insists they are several years away from having a nuclear weapon. We can also urge for the administration to push farther and faster when it comes to destablizing the Iranian regime. They've made a good start with $75 million dedicated to TV and radio to be broadcast into Iran, and the world has taken a much harder line with Iran's nuclear ambitions. Still urgency may be necessary based on some other remarks reportedly made at this meeting.
Not a pretty picture. Ledeen expands on this information a bit.
And in light of some more recent developments... like In From the Cold pointing out that Iran just inked a huge deal for a major oilfield with China, and China coincidentally was just linked to an illegal import of hi-tech US military items like cruise missiles, Blackhawk helicopter engines, and a F-16 engine. None of this is proof that China is pulling a "right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing" by actively aiding Iran's nuclear quest while publicly going along with IAEA recommending taking Iran to the UN, but it doens't paint a rosy picture of the future with Iran. |
And soon to be released by the inquiry are photos from abu Ghraib of the accused naked, holding hands, and being forced to try to catch pigs in a muddy pen while dodging rubber bullets. On a more accurate note, it demonstrates that the new Iraqi government is willing to self-govern and self-police. There are many such groups like the one mentioned above in Iraq, and there's the chance that some may work in the Iraqi police or for the Interior Ministry. They're looking to root them out and shame them by piling them up naked and photographing them with squealing little pigs. |
How sad. I'm surprised no one in the media tried to tackle him to get him to answer some questions.
He got shot, and he's apologizing for the out of control crazy behavior of the press. The press (and the far left) really have no shame. Cheney shot him jokes though are still OK. |
Excellent news.
Well since you and McCain screwed the pooch on finance reform, pardon me for not supporting a damn thing you want to change in the Patriot Act. That anything needed to be changed is bad enough. But it seems to be ready for renewal, now that all the Democrats have stopped grandstanding. |
Remote controlled bomb detonator. I wondered what sort of "bomb squad" stuff our troops had, and if anything new was in the pipeline.
They need to come up with a better name... something that lends to an easier acronym because JIEDN doesn't really roll off the tongue.
Sweet. Sounds like it ought to work out pretty well, and maybe it will end up saving hundreds of lives in the long run. Apparently there was some concern over the vehicle in the House Armed Services Committee because it wasn't 100% effective. I dunno... it's not like this is a new fighter jet or tank where there's concern about whether the jet will fly or the tank's guns work. It's armored and mayeb 75-80% effective. Sounds worth it to me... |
![]() Exactly what I was thinking... Thanks to RightWinged for the heads up. |
Thank God. I'm sure this will clear everything right up.
This of course doesn't mean the "being shot by Dick Cheney" jokes will stop. Those will continue for years. It's become American lore. And that's fine, just as long as White House Press Corps are notified the instant the VP coughs, sneezes, or has to pee. Quick, make sure the secret service, as well as Lynn and Dick have David Gregory's cell phone on speed dial so that he doesn't miss a fascinating bodily function. |
This is too damn funny... (via JawaReport) |
Iran responds with chants, "We are da' bomb! We are da' bomb." Wait a sec... That can't be right...
So the French were being kind of spikey, and well just being French. I'd really like to take them seriously, but whenever they start talking tough, I think "surrendermonkey" and start to laugh. But something is better than nothing even if it is from a cheese eating susrrendermonkey. |
I guess the economy needs to thank global warming...
As the article notes, don't bet the farm on this data alone. It's just an indicator of the healthiest horrible economy ever. |
Well I was fairly sure neither the US nor the UN was given full access or accurate answers by Saddam's regime. At least we have that on tape now. The man quoted is Lieutenant General Hussein Kamel, Saddam's son-in-law, and he's speaking directly to Saddam with several other aides in the room
Well now we've just got to find where it all went and Syria just keeps looking better and better. Here's a link to the original news story from Nightline, the above story was an exclusive bonus release, and this link is to another bonus release where Saddam laments that he didn't get to launch more missiles at Israel. What a pity. UPDATE: The Weekly Standard more completely makes a point that I alluded to when I posted prior to seeing the Nightline special report: that Saddam at least thought he had tons of WMDs.
Totally possible. Hopefully we can get through the mountains of documents we've collected since we've been in Iraq to get a final definitive answer to the WMD question. |
Blogs 4 Bauer finally updates the counter.![]() The numbers are a bit sketchy at the moment because we don't know exactly how many have died in the mall, but still, it looks like my pre-episode guess of 10 might be a little low... |
Andrew Cochran brings us some fascinating new info.
Here's the link to the documents' summaries which has the links to the original documents as well. Lots of material, but interesting. |
Well slap my ass and call me Judy... Saddam at the very least thought he had WMDs or more likely moved them to Syria before the war. (via Ace)
Better set up the TiVo. Don't want to miss this. Hopefully I'm mature enough to restrain myself from going "Naa naa nanaa naaaa" while sticking my thumbs in my ears with my fingers wiggling wildly over my head (and other such forms of gloating) at the moonbat loony leftists. |