She's here!!
She's here!! Mom and baby are just fine. My little girl was born at 7:07pm 12/22 and was 9 lbs. 6 oz. and 21 inches. She's perfect. More to come.... Labels: baby |
She's here!! Mom and baby are just fine. My little girl was born at 7:07pm 12/22 and was 9 lbs. 6 oz. and 21 inches. She's perfect. More to come.... Labels: baby |
The Fetching Mrs. Wookie started having contracitons this morning at around 4am, and now they're at about 4 minutes apart right now... Our doula has been here with us for an hour or two as we'd wanted to put off going to the hospital for as long as possible in an attempt to facilitate a natural birth. No drugs, no IVs, just relaxation and meditation. Might sound kinda hippie-tree hugger-ish to some, but the contractions thus far have been relatively painless and her water may have just broken. So off to the hospital we will be going... Hopefully I can post a baby picture soon!! Labels: baby |
Doesn't get much more ironic than that... [ed. note - I actually had this post ready last Friday, just never got around to posting it. My bad...]
Illegal immigrants building a fence to keep illegal immigrants out of US... I guess you really can hire illegals for any job... literally... any job. What the article doesn't mention is that this is the fourth time this company has been cited for hiring illegal immigrants, so I'm not sure what's worse... that the company had to be fined 4 times or that the government hired them knowing they already been fined 3 other times. Labels: border, bureaucratic idiots, illegal immigration |
That's what he told Palestinians. Nevermind that they elected Hamas into their government. They should stick to what they do best. Car bombs at pizza parlors.
Jihad is the only way. The sad thing is they'll keep the jihad as long as 40% of the population continues to be teenage boys, and as long as they hate the Jews more than they love their children (as the famous quote goes...). How else to you convince someone to commit suicide for you... |
Between work and all things associated with the great Baby Countdown of 2006, I haven't had a lot of time to blog (not even a fantasy football update... I'm in the playoffs and won the first round game...). But I still wanted to put up a post on the Iraq Commission Report and what I though would be just another useless bureaucratic report. But then there's this piece by the esteemed Michael Ledeen who's thoughts are that the report made some good points, even if they were 180 degrees opposite of what they should have recommended.
Read the rest of the article. Ledeen's always worth it. Who'd have thunk they'd get it right but totally the wrong way... I guess that kinda falls under the 12 monkeys, with 12 typewriters, theory on luck in writing... Labels: bureaucratic idiots, Iran, Iraq |
It's like "Talk like a Pirate" day but better! It's "Talk like Jack Bauer" day! And just how, praytell, does one talk like Jack Bauer? I'm glad you asked! Here's some tips...
So next time that annoying dweeb from finance stops by your cubicle, try it out. If you make him cry, you know you've got the hang of it! And don't forget, the 6th longest day in Jack Bauer's life begins January 14th... amazing how these terrorist attacks are scheduled so precisely these days... Labels: 24, Jack Bauer |
I know it's an bit of an old story, but I still couldn't resist. Intelligence chairman fails quiz... You really can't make this stuff up...
What else can you say about that? It's simply unbeleivable. Hopefully America files that in the back of their minds and corrects this sort of mistake in 2008 (see also Chuckie Rangel calls for reinstatement of draft). I bet if the follow up question to that was "Hezbollah attacked Israel recently. Who's fault is that?" he would have answered Bush. Nevermind that he doesn't even know who Hezbollah is... |
What a bunch of CRAP! $2 billion and we can't get any regular freeway lanes on the 15 and 91?! WTF!
Traffic on those freeways is shit! And there's plenty of room to add lanes, and they're going to waste it making toll roads! Bureaucratic IDIOTS! What... they don't steal enough from us in taxes that they've got to hit us with toll roads if we'd like to go 20 miles in less than 2 hours? Bob Buster seems to be the only one with any minute amount on sense on that committee... Friggin' toll roads... Morons. Labels: bureaucratic idiots, local news, travel |
Everyone's thoughts and prayers are with Johnson and his family.
No politics on this one. All signs so far point to his recovery which is good news. And I'm sure the Republicans and Democrats alike wish him a speedy recovery. This does bring up an interesting governmental quandry... What happens in the unlikely event of his incapacitation? Hugh Hewitt was just discussing the situation and mentioned that it's extremely unlikely that he'll reliquish his seat. There have been lots of old people in the Senate and there age and various conditions may have made daily attendance impossible, but thanks to the hard worrk of their staff, they were more than capable of active participation in governmental processes. I'd love for Republicans to take control of the Senate, but not this way. Get well soon Senator Johnson... Labels: Senate |
The arrival of little baby Wookie quickly approaches, and since the fetching Mrs. Wookie's due date is only a week and a half away, we figured it's probably about time to get the little tyke's room ready. So adios guest room. Hello explosion of lavender and yellow! The big idea was taking a mocha brown colored room and doing a 2 tone paint job: lavender and pale yellow. Then we thought, let's get real creative and add vertical stripes and a chair rail. Ooh and add a deep purple pinstripe on top of that too. That's a heel of a good idea and a hell of a lot of work. Here's how it went. Since I haven't posted in a while this is going to be a long one... After putting on a white primer coat with the help of my parents 3 weeks ago, we put on the base coats of lavender and pale yellow the following weekend (again thanks to the soon to be grandparents for the help with the paint job). ![]() ![]() Not too bad... a level and some painter's tape and it was easy. The fun part was the vertical stripes. We were adding 12 inch wide lavender stripes to the pale yellow top portion, and the toughest part there was taping it off. Can you say "tape in a straight line"? If the laser level was off it was off around the whole room and the room was starting to look like it was spinning... Of course that could have been the paint fumes... ![]() ![]() Moment of truth... painting on the stipes. We checked and rechecked those stripes. Seemed like everytime we looked at them they were crooked... ![]() ![]() So off comes the tape and the room's starting to shape up. About time too since this was all from this past weekend, only 2 weeks til the due date. ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm sorry, but that's just about the best damn paint job ever. And then we add the chair rail, move in the furniture and voila!! Cutest friggin' baby's room EVER. It may have been a lot of work, but I can't walk by the room without stopping and checking it out. Plus I've shown the pictures to just about anybody who'll listen to me ramble about the baby room that's straight out of a pottery barn catalogue, so I figured let's have my 3 dedicated readers have a look too... ![]() ![]() ![]() So now the main debate is the deep purple pinstripe. Put it up or leave it as is. For that pinstripe we're not painting it on. My mom came up with the great idea of using ribbon instead of paint for the pinstripe. It's a lot less work... no taping, no leveling, no painting. Just sticking the ribbon to the wall. So let's get some opinions on the choices below... ![]() ![]() ![]() So let's hear it. Pinstripe or no pinstripe... What do you think? Labels: baby, family, home improvements |
It was a beautiful ceremony... extremely moving.
I was lucky enough to meet Jeromy once, even if it was only in passing, and I was truly saddened when I heard he'd been killed by a sniper in Iraq. I knew how hard this would be for his family because of how proud his mother and sister were of him and his service. He will be remembered and honored for years in this area. Thank you for your service Jeromy. Rest in peace. |
He was never confirmed as UN Ambassador thanks to a Democratic filibuster, so his term ends with the current lame duck session, another casualty of the November election.
To be fair, we can't blame this one entirely on the election and the Democrats. Republicans should have grown a spine and pushed his nomination through when they had control of the House and Senate. Now we're going to get a watered down, PC version of John who will simply allow the UN to continue to be the pointless organization it currently is. We continue to pour billions of dollars into the UN without any hope of meaningful action in return. Bolton was the only bright spot in that organization. Now he's gone. |
He's the first Muslim elected to US Congress and he's refusing to swear in on the Bible. Some think, what's the big deal? He's not Christian; he's Muslim, so let him swear on his own holy book. A fair argument, but Dennis Prager's become the latest conservative labeled a racist by the PC police thanks to this column that says it is a big deal what book he uses to swear in on.
It's a good point. America reveres its symbols; from the flag to the bald eagle to our public officials swearing to uphold the laws of this great country and taking that oath with their left hand on the Bible and right hand in the air. Can we just subsitute that powerful imagery to suit the person taking the oath? Would it mean the same if a Mormon swore on the Book of Mormon? A Scientologist on a copy of Dianetics? Should a left handed person be allowed to swap their hands around, right hand on the Bible and left in the air? Would those images have the same meaning to the American people? It may seem arbitrary, but like most symbols, it's the meaning that's important. What's the big deal about the flag? It's just some stars and stripes... Who cares if we burn it our not? WHo cares if an "artist" puts it on a wall covered in urine and feces? Or the bald eagle... it's just another bird. It's the people who fought, bled, and died for those images that gives the image meaning. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison swore on the Bible. So have thousands of other Christians, Jews, agnostics and aetheists who served as congressmen, senators, and presidents. Why should Muslims receive preferential treatment? Dennis also cautions that we ought to take this seriously because of the message this send the Muslim world. The appeasement crowd would say that this would show our accceptance of all cultures, creeds, and religions. That would matter if our primary concern was making the rest of the world like us. But our enemies could see this as the beginning of their ultimate goal: the Islamicization of America. Take some time to read the whole article. It's well worth it... Labels: Democrats, election, Islam, Prager, racism, religion |